Granary Tea Room
& Shop
Open 10am - 4pm, Saturdays, Sundays & Bank Holidays
We have an extensive range of teas, coffees and soft drinks. Why not treat yourself to a slice of our delicious cake, a cream tea, or relax with a sandwich. Afternoon teas also available - pre-booking required. Call Tea Room Manager on 07421 998943 for further details.

The Mill shop has a wide range of gifts, jams, chutneys, our own milled flour, "Bake Your Own Bread" kits, a variety of porridge, along with art by local artists, and perhaps just something different for that special someone. Why not take a stroll down memory lane with "The Story of Moulton Windmill" - see below.

Two mill volunteers, Jim Critchley (sadly, since passed away), and Peter Hall, spent many hours with John Biggadike, the last miller, hearing about his life and family involvement in milling in the local community. Their efforts resulted in the publication of this book, which provides an engaging look into local history.
The book is available from the mill, priced at £7.99